By selfishsexysanta - 24/12/2012 18:06 - United States

Today, I gave my husband an early Christmas present: Santa-themed lingerie. He got angry and called me selfish, for "using" him as an excuse to get myself nice stuff. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 425
You deserved it 13 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I won't call lingerie a present, its more like gift wrapping paper. hehe


I prefer those kind of gift on February not Christmas.

I'm gonna need to see a picture of how you look in it before I choose a side

ellytoad 13

Some people aren't the eroticism type. I think you really would have had more fun wearing it than he would from seeing it on you. Always choose your gifts by what you know the receiver likes!

Sexy Christmas Lingerie should be a bonus 'gift', not a main gift. It's something you both can enjoy! I'd be pretty miffed if my partner walked in the bedroom in a new pair of fancy boxers or heaven forbid, a mankini, and said 'Hey baby, Merry Christmas ;-) ' and struck a sexy pose. Well I'd be miffed after the laughter anyway.

afallingstar 22

Tell him it was for him to wear...

jrtofix 6

If my missus bought lingerie, put it on, and wished me merry christmas, I'd probably go a bit crazy. I think your husband is a loser, and likely has gay tendencies

graphicstyle7 17

He sounds like a total, controlling, manipulative drag. If you don't have kids, seriously think about all the men out there (and there are PLENTY) who would be happy you did that. Then dump your husband.