By Anonymous - 29/06/2013 22:52 - United States - Lafayette

Today, I found the purse that some asshat stole from my 15-year-old sister a few days ago. I found it in my now ex-boyfriend's closet. When I confronted him, he broke up with me for "invading" his privacy and kicked me out, without the purse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 262
You deserved it 3 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... So he didn't deny it. Get back in there, beat him up and take back your sisters purse.


You good because If that was me I would of embarrassed his *ss then beat the s**t out of him for even thinking he's going to TRY and kick me out without giving me my little sisters purse.

At least you're a good sister to choose your little sis over the relationship, and confronting him about it. Some people wouldn't have done that.

pinguino3669_fml 23

No wonder you said "ex"...what a jerk!

thsts when you take it when he was in the br or something and leave then dump him for being a sorry ass loser :)

What was he privately doing to the purse. Wait, I don't want to know.

hfd521 6

So you catch him with your sisters stolen purse and then HE breaks up with you? Please tell me you wernt going to stay with him!

trueblue170 13

So go back, this time with the police, demand it back and press theft charges. Simple as that.

Shorty777 4

I wouldn't have said anything until after I called the cops.

Call the cops, get the purse. Hopefully he'll get a night or two in lockup and "Bubba" can teach him some manners.