By Anonymous - 08/06/2013 19:01 - Australia - Perth

Today, I found out why my daughter eats so many sugary baked goods. According to her, when you bake things, all the sugar and calories are "released" and so you can't gain weight from it. It seems I raised a moron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 631
You deserved it 9 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think she's confused with cooking food to kill bacteria ! Hahahah she's needs to take a nutrition class , poor girl

SirTalkaton 22

We have the cure for obesity, just bake everything! Hooray!


I think she's confused with cooking food to kill bacteria ! Hahahah she's needs to take a nutrition class , poor girl

I think she's really baked and her IQ is being "released"

I think she's really confused because in Science classes you learn that (and I don't remember the EXACT thing so don't crucify me) there are certain ways to render things completely valueless, ie. with heat, freezing, etc. she's probably just taken this and ran with it

Why the **** would i stake you to a cross because you were incorrect, 49?

That's what the FML community does. Make a small mistake and everyone loses it. OP, I hope your daughter stops soon before she becomes huge.

SirTalkaton 22

We have the cure for obesity, just bake everything! Hooray!

One dumbass girl does not speak for all of humanity people! -_(

CharresBarkrey 15

Why humanity? She's only harming herself, it's not like she's doing anything bad to others.

Actually 54, the obese are putting the a huge strain on our healthcare system (see: tax dollars). Also, her stupidity just hurt my brain a little... So yes, she's hurting others.

Of course! And didn't you know that if you leave food out in the sun all the fatty stuff melts away so you don't gain weight either?

And if you turn it upside down and shake it, all the calories fall off. Also, there are no calories in food that someone else brings to the party, office, etc.

And the acts of sharing and taste testing negate the calories, so if you split something with a friend or only have one bite, it doesn't count.

Seriously, when my cousins and I were kids, my dad had them convinced that if you hold food upside down the calories fall off. Made for some interesting family pictures.

Did you know that if you drink a glass of cold water, about 1°C, your body will burn about 17 Calories?

Wizardo 33

What kind of half baked idea is that? Sounds like she has food poisoning... of the mind.

Well ill second you there if that's how you feel.

At least she's not obsessed with eating fried foods? Sorry that's the closest thing to a "bright side" that I can think of here.

OhDearBetrayal 25

Oh yeah, instead of heart disease she'll get a free lifetime diabetes diagnoses along with it! Good times.

RemyX1 7

___[]___ [ [POLICE] wow Shes been playing hooky from Cooking class [ |[#][#]|] [|[ ][o]|] [ [ |[ ][ ]|] [ |[ ][ ]| --------

gameofthrones_fml 12

Regina: I CAN'T GO TO TACO BELL, I'M ON AN ALL-CARB DIET. God, Karen, you are SO stupid!