By fuzzy1895 - 11/09/2010 05:31 - United States

Today, I found out why I had been waking up feeling like crap for the past week. I found tufts of cat fur in my pillow case, and I am allergic to cats. My little brother thought I would get so sick, and he could have my XBox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 372
You deserved it 2 592

Same thing different taste


Mars_Bars_Big_Na 0

throw your xbox at him and say " well you got what you wanted " and make sure it knocks him out then super glue cat hair on him mwahahahshahawhahvjwhauahagrmdigagahahafksaha my wisdom helps all

Sonfang 19

Wow, my little bro and I argue and fight but we've never tried to kill one another...hrm maybe he'll grow up to be an assassin? Hopefully he'll stop trying to kill you, try sharing with him.

lexie206 0

Haha, that's something my little brother would do to me. Except he'd do it to just be a jerk. Anyways- FYL op, that does suck

if i had a little bro, and he did that, i would f*ck up his room then beat the crap out of that little brat. allergies can be deadly.

Ali_Br_fml 33

if I had a little brother, & he did that, I wouldn't have a little brother anymore. I'm allergic to cats and pollen and such. don't mess with my allergies!

tooGee24 0

it was worth the try I guess haga

and after you skin him, make the ****** walk on broken glass and salt. allergies are not to be played with!

I don't! I say you should beat the shit out of him!

you jackass, why would he give away his x-box???

I hate people like you who say ydi for the stupidest reasons, if not no reason at all

GreatMelinko 0

sucks to b u. :/ can I have ur xbox? seems like it would solve all your problems,....

WhyTheFace4 0

How can you tell? Do you have X-ray vision? I never thought it would work on pictures. That's crazy!!

JustinKingr 0

no the brother is dumb... throw the xbox in a river and get a PlayStation 3