By FMyLife5915 - 04/09/2010 04:15

Today, I found out what "supersoaked" means. I thought it meant getting shot by a water gun, which is why I laughed when my daughter's boyfriend said he "supersoaked" her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 333
You deserved it 6 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLsOhilarious 6

A boy cumming all over a girls face, mimicking a supersoaker water gun. That's what it means. She asked what it meant guys...not where she could find its meaning.

We aint spiderman no moo...we a supersoak that hoe...


Alesana_Love 0

sounds like your daughter is having some good times ;)

Rage12 0

toad you didn't tell us what that word means

perdix 29

You probably thought it was hilarious when she showed up to dinner wearing clown make-up! Hey, you forgot to put on the red, rubber nose . . . (consults UrbanDictionary) . . . oh.

WearingHats 14

Well, at least your daughter has a good time. With EVERYONE.

UndiscoveredChao 0

ironic enough seeing ***** with profile pictureof escalated ones like that no?

TaylorTotsYumm 10

66, how does this make OP's daughter a *****? You have no idea what age she is, you have no idea how many sexual partners she has had, you do not know her. Her having sex with her boyfriend is not a valid reason to label her as a *****. Plus, I didn't hear anything about the girls boyfriend being a manwhore from you. It's horrible that (most of the time) a guy can have sex with, say, 5 girls. He gets high fives and is looked up at for this. He's a stud. Now, if a girl has sex with 5 guys, she gets called names, tons of gossip about her, and a bunch of dirty looks from people. She's now a *****. It's completely hypocritical. Obviously, not everybody thinks this way, but quite a few people do follow this double standard.

ElMundio87 0

118 that's because guys have to work to get sex, girls have it easy. big difference.

Achoo! Sorry, 141, but I'm allergic to bullshit. Pardon the language; I'm normally less uncouth.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

141, that's absolute rubbish! That may be how it's portrayed in movies, but in the real world, it's different.

OMGitsME432 1

@ 141 If you can say that girls are ****** (freely) just because she has sex and /or does the same things guys do, then I can say guys are desperate,pathetic, and ONLY want sex. Wouldn't that make whoever you sleep with, I doubt any women, ******? Idiot.

perdix 29

Don't get all bent out of shape about #66's picture -- it's probably not her. A little check over at shows that the picture is used about 29 other places on the Internet. If I'm wrong, spamf, I'll supersoak those for ya. Fair's fair.

UndiscoveredChao 0
UndiscoveredChao 0

triple win was for the long amazing hypocrtie rant.

****** are just girls with a guys point of view about sex. thanks for being a hypocritical asshole(: