By nukebroadcast - 16/12/2010 06:32 - United States

Today, I found out what sound a hammer makes when it strikes the back of my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 314
You deserved it 6 004

Same thing different taste


Is it the sound of ow? or the sound of bones breaking?

lucky you! i am yet to discover that! going to grab a hammer right now

kind of a lame Fml I mean as a carpenter I find this is something I see on a regular basis around me.

omg I was thinking of the same thing!! that video I so f*king disgusting!! even though I only watched 10 seconds of it, I could sleep for days!!

Hot_mamas2255 0

My dad used to work at a mobile home construction site where people shot their eyes out with nails guns or severed their whole fingers off

I would be more concerned with how it felt than how it sounded. But I guess that's just me.

notanalbino 4

first time I read this I thought it said hamster D: