By angry girlfriend - 22/05/2012 14:32 - Canada - Montreal

Today, I found out via Facebook status that my boyfriend is going to Hawaii with a group of friends, including his ex-girlfriend for a few weeks. When I confronted him about it, he said he didn't think I needed to know, and to mind my own business. I think I'm about to be single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 685
You deserved it 3 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds to me like you've been single for a while already. Make sure you pack a few surprises in your ex-boyfriends bags, like dead fish. By the time he gets there, all his clothes will smell fantastic.

simcop2387 10

I wouldn't think I'd be about to be single. I'd make sure I was. If I ever did that to a girl I'd want her to break up with me because I obviously don't deserve her.


ssdk1232 0

There has to be a reason you were not invited and she was...possibly time for soul searching for you??? I find this to be hilarious

Break up with him via fb status and when he questions it say "I didn't think I needed to tell you, mind your own business."

This, this, this! Normally I despise coward's ways of breaking up like FB statuses and text messages, but this is just perfect. You deserve better, OP! If you stay with him any longer, you'll just be telling him it's perfectly okay to bone his ex and treat you like garbage. Run run run run! /voice of lots and lots of experience, please trust me!!

You should break up with him over facebook (consider you both have facebook) and make a status saying "It's great to be single again!" and if he comes around too ask you why you didnt tell him, just let him know that you didn't think he had too know and to mind his own business(:

Get in first dump him ASAP as your relationship dead

ChickInGreenVans 12

i'd break up with him before he even had the chance to break up with me. vacactioning with exes is wrong.

Um don't be stupid and dump his ass! If he's doing it now it's only going to get worse in the future.