By DarkMaskDiva - 16/06/2011 00:24 - United States

Today, I found out the medications my doctor gave me for depression are making me fat. My main reason for depression is an eating disorder. Now, I'm fat instead of just thinking I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 124
You deserved it 6 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

Yeah, but jolly fat people are better than sad fat people! Seriously, though, go to a specialist on eating disorders. You're aware you have one, aware you need help.. Now get the help, if you can afford it. Otherwise, talk to your doctor. There's different meds you can try, and differrnt methods. Exercise can help your depression, and it MIGHT help your self-image.


i also suffer from anorexia but atm i am apparently "in recovery" according to my parents. im really just being forced to eat and maintain a weight im unhappy with, but maybe try lexapro. i was on it for over a yr and it didnt make me gain. meanwhile ignore all the jerks who commented! i hate it when ppl judge without knowing anything

I used to be anorexic and during that time of my life I was so depressed and so fed up with being so obsessive, and worse, fed up with friends and family crying when ever they looked at me, as well as a bf that refused to be affectionate because i was "disgusting". You really are doing A LOT of damage to your body, putting your fertility in jeapordy, and ive known a few girls that have actually died from it.Please get help, it gets better.

Don't depend on pills. they're all horrible for you.

OP doesn't necessarily have to depend on pills. She is going through a hard time right now, though, and sometimes taking medication for just a few months can help. Most depression meds aren't meant for long-term use anyway. But, if you're "on the edge" and the depressed you've ever been, meds can help sort you out enough so that you can be collected enough to take advantage of therapy and improve your ways of thinking. I would never recommend depression meds for long-term use, but (having used depression meds), I can say that they are useful on a short-term basis.

ReynshineCutting 10

Some people do need antidepressants long term. My dad does but refuses to take them and it's obvious he needs them. I was told I'd be on them for life but luckily after I met my fiance he was my natural antidepressant and I've been off of them for over a year. They're not evil but they can be a bitch if you're not on the right one.

That's tough. I've dealt with both depression and an eating disorder, so I know how you feel. Ask your doctor about medications that don't have weight gain side effect. There are actually quite a few! If your depression stems from anxiety, then there are a lot more medications you can try that won't make you gain weight. It's all about finding the right med for you. You don't have to stick with one that makes you unhappy. In the meantime, while you get the medication sorted out, you know what is supposed to help with depression? Exercise. It sounds silly, and I know that it is super hard to get up and get moving when you're depressed, but it really is a huge help. It always gives me the boost I need to look at things more positively.

Depression is just a symptom, you need to focus on treating your actual ailment, which is the eating disorder. Going to therapy should help you cope with the physical/psychological/emotional issues you're having. Hang in there and be strong.

"I'm sad because I eat. I eat because I'm sad." -Fat Bastard if you aren't as big as him, I think you're okay. there is a difference between super huge and just larger then average.

Stop thinking you're fat. I promise, even if u are, I know someone fatter. so instead of worrying about it, grab subway for lunch and lose a few pounds. if you're still thin enough that u can type without pushing several keys with each finger, there's always hope :)

It's more complicated than that, sadly! People with eating disorders can't just magically stop thinking that they are fat...I wish! If it had been that easy to get over my eating disorder, I would have been deliriously happy. :P

smartalek 2

well at least you can admit to having one. most people with ED's are in denial.

So assuming your eating disorder is anorexia, you must have been dangerously under weight even to be diagnosed. Let me just start off by saying, you were never fat, and you still probably aren't fat. It's completely in your head, which may sound harsh, but it is the truth. If anything, those pills are restoring you back to a healthy weight, but because you have an altered view of healthy body weight, you believe you have become fat. Do consult with your doctor, but also please work on accepting yourself. You're beautiful. (:

shadowskater 0

Maybe, Since you're eating disorder is causing you to THINK you are fat, after you take the meds you only THINK you are becoming fatter. When in all reality it is just making you go back to a "Normal" or "Average" weight in reality. Or maybe its not even making you gain weight at all and you just think it is. Don't think you are fat, I have had friends with anorexia and they were average weight and beautiful you'll find a person to spend the rest of your life with you that loves you the way you are, you should do the same.

Anti-depressants can't make you fat. If it isn't all in your head then you probably are jusy getting to a normal weight

Actually, they can. Some anti-depressants have a side-effect of increased appetite.

ReynshineCutting 10

And some mess up your thyroid and metabolism which means even if you eat the same you always have, you'll put on a few pounds.