By Anonymous - 24/07/2016 03:18 - United States

Today, I found out the friend I signed a lease with is actually a wanted drug dealer. I only found this out after the police kicked in the door at 5am and raided our house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 245
You deserved it 1 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Know your friends better next time before you move together. A drug dealer is usually easy to pick out, but I know people can be good liars.

It's sort of fitting that they got you hooked before giving you low quality crap (in the forms of a signed lease and police raid respectively).


Know your friends better next time before you move together. A drug dealer is usually easy to pick out, but I know people can be good liars.

chrisbeaudoin 26

Drug dealers usually are hard to pick out. Successful ones at least.

YDI. if you were close enough to him to sign a lease, you should've been close enough to know that he was a drug dealer

How would you know though? I can honestly say that I wouldn't be able to tell if someone is a drug dealer or not.

Besides, "By the way, I'm a drug dealer" isn't necessarily a great conversation starter.....

lat187 18

When you post an ad on Craiglist for an open room, make sure to specify "please no drug dealers"


marijuana doesnt destroy lives.... frankly if your cousin was smoking an herb it wouldnt destroy his or her life... now when you start smoking crack,meth, and shooting heroin that could possibly destroya life.... but its not the drugs fault its the person who smoked it, so technically they screwed theirselves. #geteducated

I am pretty well educated on the effects of recreational drugs and long term recreation drug use. I'm also pretty well educated on the 'marijuana not even once' memes. Which is what this was referencing with the absurdity of the leap between smoking pot one time and then getting shot while smoking crack in the back of a police car.

#5 If I was a cop and saw your cousin smoking marijuana In a STOLEN police car I'd shoot him too

Next time, consider asking a potential roommate to submit to a background check. It might prevent similar problems.

ber4fun 23

How long have you known this "friend"?

It's sort of fitting that they got you hooked before giving you low quality crap (in the forms of a signed lease and police raid respectively).

Could be worse, he could be an unwanted drug dealer!

pmsl .. i love play on words :D hahahaha such a dad joke..

ericanicole1 12

Are they a drug dealer and they have a full time job? Cuz you typically need to show you have a LEGIT (legal) and reliable form of income to get a lease anywhere for anything

HeadlessSparrow 20

typically, yes but if at least 1 person can afford the whole rent by themselves, then the other person doesn't really need to disclose their job/income.. (that's at least in my situation) but the management company should have done a background check on everybody who signed the lease.