
By Servergirl - 11/12/2021 13:58

Today, I was a server in a restaurant and the wait time was longer than usual, because of short-staffing and lack of supplies. A huge muscular guy got up and went on a rant about the wait time, and how “voting for Democrats” causes these problems, and then stormed off without ordering anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 911
You deserved it 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Democrats often get voted in after Republicans predictably **** things up. Once Democrats fix things, Republicans run on promising failed government and enough people fall for it.

Well, he's not entirely wrong. Voting for Democrats causes self-important snowflakes to bitch and moan about everything. It brings the inner Karen out of every GOP nutjob.


Well, he's not entirely wrong. Voting for Democrats causes self-important snowflakes to bitch and moan about everything. It brings the inner Karen out of every GOP nutjob.

Democrats often get voted in after Republicans predictably **** things up. Once Democrats fix things, Republicans run on promising failed government and enough people fall for it.