By darknight - 21/07/2019 02:03

Today, I found out that pretending to be a bum begging for money can get you stuck in a jail cell for a few hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 540
You deserved it 3 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"panhandling" is a crime because it makes our countries look bad, the government doesnt want others to see homeless people, the government doesn't want assets/money going to them, they just want to let them die out and avoid the issue.Arresting them, kicking them out of their spots especially warm spots in winter quickly takes its tole. I survived the streets, i survived jail, i picked myself up got a job and am working to this day,and i visit the graves of my friends who didn't make it. get off your ass and work hard for your money Pretending to be homeless and panhandling just makes you a lazy piece of shit.

It's essentially a scam, obtaining money by deceit, or whatever term the law uses. If they were able to prove you were faking it, I think that may also count as theft. You basically mugged people without threatening to harm them.


There is no such thing as 'pretending to be a bum begging for money'. If begging for money makes you a bum - then you are a bum begging for money. I don't think that's a real good reason for time in jail though. Maybe it's reason to think about how society works

Mathalamus 24

Yeah, don't do that. If begging is an arrestable offence, stop it.

"panhandling" is a crime because it makes our countries look bad, the government doesnt want others to see homeless people, the government doesn't want assets/money going to them, they just want to let them die out and avoid the issue.Arresting them, kicking them out of their spots especially warm spots in winter quickly takes its tole. I survived the streets, i survived jail, i picked myself up got a job and am working to this day,and i visit the graves of my friends who didn't make it. get off your ass and work hard for your money Pretending to be homeless and panhandling just makes you a lazy piece of shit.

It’s a crime in a police state. Homelessness isn’t a crime — it’s a symptom of a failed social safety net.

People who panhandle are why the giving spirt is dead.

WeirdUS 29

Depends on where outside certain places yes they will call the cops. Especially if they have no loitering signs just because you thought you were joking doesn't make it ok. What are you going to tell the cops you were only pretending to annoy people and break the law?

It's essentially a scam, obtaining money by deceit, or whatever term the law uses. If they were able to prove you were faking it, I think that may also count as theft. You basically mugged people without threatening to harm them.

It is illegal depending on the state you are in.