By Ladyfarquard - 21/07/2019 04:03

Today, I got charged with drink driving, without even driving my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 526
You deserved it 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're not allowed to control any vehicle while drunk. Biking or Boating count. Probably horses as well. You should know this and not put people in danger while you are drunk. This is no one's fault but your own.

“Drink driving?” I think you’re drunk FMLing.


You're not allowed to control any vehicle while drunk. Biking or Boating count. Probably horses as well. You should know this and not put people in danger while you are drunk. This is no one's fault but your own.

Horses should't count; they can control themselves and know the way to their barn, so you can basically sleep in the carriage behind and let them do their job.

Charlie Coffman_1920149595 18

lawfully anything that touches a road in the USA is in fact considered a "motored" vehicle and therefore a horse is considered a vehicle

They do react to their riders, though, and a drunk rider is going to make them nervous and significantly more dangerous.

LostSoul 19

I hope it was worth it - in any case you probably deserve it

Merely sitting in the driver's seat (even w/o keys) while drunk is enough to get charged because by sitting there, you've signified that you're taking control of said vehicle and assuming all pertinent responsibilities. Instead, hide the keys under a seat and sit on the passenger side. When questioned, inform the police officer that you're waiting for the driver to return. That's how to legally "sleep it off" before driving home w/o repercussions.

Traveling_Book 9

Sound advice, but do you think someone that needs to sleep it off is gonna be coherent enough to remember that?

I have every time I’ve been too plastered to drive.

WeirdUS 29

I know in NY/NJ if a Cop sees you come out from a bar/club you can be charged with intent to drink and drive. Same goes if you have beer in your back seat or any alcohol that's easily opened. Really more info needs to be given.

In Germany, you can even drink a Beer while driving. As long you don’t have more than 0,3‰ in blood

But Germany is not the country of freedom, don't you forget it :)

“Drink driving?” I think you’re drunk FMLing.

They call it drink driving in UK and Australia

That’s what it’s called in the commonwealth countries.

Drink driving is correct for speakers of British style English.

Azzz 4

I always put in mind that no matter if it is my car or not, it is not allowed to have any driving after drinking alcohol. Any threat to life’s is not allowed!

Mungolikecandy 19

Let me guess, behind the wheel of the vehicle ready to drive or appearing ready to drive when the police tested you before you pulled away?

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

you were probably too drunk to remember driving the car

AddictgirL 7

You can be charged with a DUI if there is a chance for you to be in operation of a vehicle. Even if you're in the backseat of your car with the keys and the car turned off, there is reasonable expectation that you could get into the front and turn the car on. DUIs are largely based on "are you drunk and can you become operational of a vehicle", not just "are you drunk and driving a vehicle".