Saturday night fever

By Anonymous - 14/06/2020 08:09

Today, I was arrested on my 25th birthday and thrown in jail overnight for impersonating myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 708
You deserved it 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vesi 29

Not to mention Dolly Parton lost in a Dolly look-alike contest.. to a drag queen. =)


You must be really bad at acting like yourself. I'll bet they'll drop the charges for insufficient evidence.

Did you know there was a contest as to who could be Charlie Chaplin the best? Charlie Chaplin himself entered and didn't even win!

Vesi 29

Not to mention Dolly Parton lost in a Dolly look-alike contest.. to a drag queen. =)

I guess “be yourself” is bad advice now?