By nosrepamai82 - 26/07/2009 04:28 - United States

Today, I found out that my husband made a replica of our family on The Sims 3. I also found out he killed me off a couple weeks ago and made a new wife, KiKi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 621
You deserved it 5 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HA! KiKi is MY nickname.... Make a Sim of him fat and ugly!

You'd better find out who the **** this Kiki is! lol


Astraea 0

hahaha that really sucks cuz i do the same in some ways :P for example when i have someone on my mind but cannot get laid with him because i dont want to cheat on my bf, i simply create replicas of them in sims and "woohoo" all night long (((:

giggity0giggity 0
waterynuggets 0

I'm sorry but that's hilarious. You could make some and do the same thing, too. :P

Haha it's really hard to purposely kill anyone it just randomly happens....+one time my friend burst into flames for dancing on a grave naked don't worry...he probably had you cook supper and the stove probably exploded or something ridiculous lmao

Today, I realized I can't tell the difference between video games and real life. FML

wrestling49 0

haha thts funny. dnt wrry about it, its just a game.

abyssion1337 0

aww is the colossal idiot so insecure she's threatened by an unrealistic simulation