By Anonymous - 13/06/2015 14:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I found out that my homophobic boyfriend, who I was giving a chance to grow the fuck up and get over his obsession with bashing gays, has been cheating on me with another man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 644
You deserved it 5 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, you thought he was straight? Well so is spaghetti until it get hot and wet. Haha, I'm an unoriginal twat waffle, but eh.


TallMist 32

Well, since he's gay, I doubt he'll have a threesome with the OP.

His homophobia probably reflects the attitude of his friends. Which gives you a great opportunity to get back at him. He so very much deserves to be outed to them.

shipples 4

I agree with #171. It's the most logical explanation.

You are not alone. I married such a man. It was a shock what I found in the house his toys. After I filed for divorce and he was removed. It was strange that his best friend moved nearby after our wedding, and they went golfing at every chance, even in the snow, in Omaha. Just run from this guy. Soon enough you will be able to laugh about it. I laugh so much about it all now.

zman92 13

Well that escalated quickly

I feel bad for both of you, but this is probably better. Find someone who's actually an adult.

It's always the ones that hate gays.

He was probably bashing them to hide his being gay because he was ashamed, ive seen it before