By llord - 24/08/2011 02:29 - United States

Today, I found out that my engagement ring was actually my husband's ex-fiancée's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 634
You deserved it 3 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tbh I dont see a problem. Clearly that ring was quite expensive so there was no point losing all that cash just to go buy another expensive ring. Plus he must really like it to give it to you and actually marry you.

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10


sparxva 12

Ummm.. So what? You wanted him to buy you a brand new ring and waste the old one? That seems incredibly wasteful.

dont be ******* selfish they're ******* expensive. dont think that every man can afford one for every chick they thought they loved you materialistic bitch

Men drop alot of dough for those things, dont make him pay for 2, get over it its not a big deal.

I can't believe some of you greedy women. Do you realize how much a damn engagement ring costs? Why in the hell would he buy another one when he has a perfectly fine ring already.

or he could RETURN the old ring and buy a new one. no ******* reason to give her the original ring. When my husband picked out my ring, he picked a perfect one from me. the girl he dated before me had pretty much opposite taste from me and it would've pissed me off to get a huge diamond in yellow gold.

JFC, the issue isn't that he's being cheap by not buying a new ring, it's that an engagement ring is meant to be picked out for that person. By giving her a ring that was chosen for another woman, it's showing that he didn't put any of that care and attention into picking one he knew she'd like. It wasn't picked for her, it was picked out for somebody else, I can totally understand why she'd be upset about that. Also, who's asking him to fork out loads of money for a second ring? Take it back and buy a new one for the same price.

So? He bought it already and those are expensive. Be grateful.