By Anonymous - 05/09/2013 19:11 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, I found out that if I say "make a sandwich", it doesn't matter what context it's in, or whether it's a command or just me describing my day; I'll be yelled at anyway by my hipster roommate for being a "sexist cunt", then end up apologizing just to get her to shut up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 384
You deserved it 5 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jwrin373 7

Just tell her "that's cute now GO MAKE A ******* SANDWICH "

You should tell her to stop yelling as it is annoying you and to stop arguing with your god damn opinon.


Sounds like your roommate is the sexist twat. Sorry, I really dislike female supremacists. (Yes I'm a chick)

locustbb 9

Wait wait wait. Let me get this you could just be watching tv and say "I'm gonna go make a sandwich" and she will just say "you sexist ****." Am I getting this right?

I wouldn't want to talk to her anymore. And I probably wouldn't unless she directly asks me a question then I'd make short.

incoherentrmblr 21

I don't know which is worse, her roommate being a feminist or being a hipster.

holda hell up, how are you sexist towards a female when you are a female?

squideth 18

Women can easily be sexist towards women. What fairytale world do you live in where they aren't?

OP, here is a small guide on how to fix this: 1 - Stand your ground, you aren't doing a damn thing wrong; 2 - Fight back! She is being a douche (and I am being very nice on name calling), so all you have to do is tell her to shut the **** up; 3 - Find the longest, hardest baguette, turn it into a sandwich, and beat her with it; Hope you have fun, OP. Go kick her rear chassis.

Wait do you live with a girl? Are you a boy? How is that possible

stop apologizing and tell your bitch roommate to shut up. and if you're too pansy to do that, fyl abd you deserve to be stood on by a hipster bitch...

OP, I know your pain... Try explaining that while she might find sandwich jokes "offensive" they do not qualify as "sexist". A sexist comment is something that suggests one gender cannot do something the other can or such, like ex: "Women can't do anything but make sandwiches" could count.... The whole sandwich joke thing, however, does not even count as being sexist, so her calling it that is incorrect. Even if you didn't mean it in that context, it's still fun to correct these people xD