By Anonymous - 12/08/2012 17:25 - Netherlands - Amsterdam

Today, I found out that ever since I got my blonde highlights, I've been mocked behind my back at work, and nicknamed "The Skunk". FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 884
You deserved it 13 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mpj13 8

Blonde and dark hair. At least I hope you don't smell like a skunk! :)


Bitches.... I think that looks kinda hot:)

Think that's bad I did the same thing not only do ones at work call me it but my friends and family to.. At Halloween my mum forced me to be a skunk because she thought it would be great have everyone have a good old laugh at me ... Goodbye self esteem

uhnevermind 24

Why is everyone saying she's beautiful no matter what? If people are making fun of her for it, then it probably looks terrible. Besides, if a guy had posted this FML the majority of people would say he deserves it.

42- If it looks bad, then they should just say that. They wouldn't want someone talking behind their back, they shouldn't do it to someone else.

If they don't like it, then they should say that. They wouldn't want someone talking shit behind their backs, they shouldn't do it to someone else.

Do they have anything better to talk about, or think about, besides your hair? Like work, perhaps? But anyways, sorry OP! It sounds like your coworkers are immature and idiotic.

bnp395 6

Ha! Me and my co-workers do the same thing to a girl at my work.

olpally 32
bnp395 6

Nah she really did look like a skunk though. Cause her highlights were more like thick stripes in her hair. It was bad. Haha

koolkat27 13

That's still incredibly mean and rude.

PandaSpots 10

What if the girl you make fun of was the girl from the FML. That would be HILARIOUS!!!

bnp395 6

Nah it's not cause my co-worker just got her hair re-done today.

Omg! I get called the same cuz the top of my hair is blonde and the bottom brown and my roots are dark. I feel your pain!

blonde is really different than the skunk is not inflicted toward you...toward someone else...

MerrikBarbarian 9

Hey skunks are awesome animals! Be proud to be a skunk. :)