By Anonymous - 12/08/2012 17:25 - Netherlands - Amsterdam

Today, I found out that ever since I got my blonde highlights, I've been mocked behind my back at work, and nicknamed "The Skunk". FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 884
You deserved it 13 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mpj13 8

Blonde and dark hair. At least I hope you don't smell like a skunk! :)


If they are those wide blonde stripes that were in fashion ten years ago then YDI. You do look like a skunk. Those things never looked good on anyone.

No matter what you do to yourself whether you get your hair done, lose weight or try a different make up technique, there will always be at least one person putting in there 2 cents about it.

day624 14

Never get blonde highlights on really dark hair

linkinpark98 23

I wonder why so many people get highlights in their hair. To be honest, sometimes it doesn't make your hair any more perfect. Natural color is the way to go, in my opinion.

The_F3rris 11

Kids did that to me too. My hair was brown and blonde and I just laughed right back saying "are you color blind? Skunks are black and white". Tards these days dont even know their colors right.

doglover100 28
ellytoad 13

I thought highlights were supposed to look blended and realistic. Unless you're really into the sharp blunted effect? Well, either way it looks, no one should be calling you names. The saying that high school never really ends is proven over and over again.