By Anonymous - 12/08/2012 17:25 - Netherlands - Amsterdam

Today, I found out that ever since I got my blonde highlights, I've been mocked behind my back at work, and nicknamed "The Skunk". FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 884
You deserved it 13 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mpj13 8

Blonde and dark hair. At least I hope you don't smell like a skunk! :)


You don't deserve it unless yøur hair is black or dark brown, and the highlights are platinum blonde, and the highlights are really just one platinum blonde streak on the top of yøur head when you're wearing a ponytail, and you always wear a ponytail, which makes yøur head look like a skunks ass. One girl at my school did that and the only reason she hasn't been told directly is because she's super popular, a total bitch, and a drama queen whø will dø anything for attention. I've heard that description from almost everyone who's met her. If someone tells her, she starts crying and says that the person called her ugly and other stuff.

25 - you "go to work" by sending your boss a picture of you and making him put it on your desk chair then? ... That might not be such a bad idea...

koolkat27 13

It's pretty obvious blonde highlights don't mix well with dark hair.

#29: Interesting that you misused "their" (when it should be "they're") but then used "they're" correctly later in the same sentence.

PandaSpots 10

It was probably a mistake. Why be a bitch?

I'm not trying to be a bitch. I just see a lot of people misuse those words, when it really isn't that hard to use them properly..

LeatherCabbage 4

Are you sure it's not "The *****"?

Buzzy123 7
jayhawkchik 4

Blonde highlights on dark hair look awful .get a new stylist.

I'm pretty sure this is Zayn Malik in disguise... Hahaha