By Anonymous - 02/04/2009 23:12 - United States

Today, I found out that because of my high blood pressure I can't have sex for one month. My wedding is next weekend and the following two weeks are my honey moon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 267 517
You deserved it 28 583

Same thing different taste

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Some people are calling BS from your doctor based on sex being relaxing... ****** is the part that lowers the blood pressure AFTER the fact, but your heart rate has ridiculously high peaks during sex, and even at the moment of coming, so sex is indeed a risky activity for people with high blood pressure (especially those who have heart disease histories)... I'm sorry about your honeymoon, and wanna second the people mentioning that you can still make sure your wife has an enjoyable experience.

xMooMoox 0

For some reason this post strikes me as the wife-to-be. I agree with everyone else get a second opinion. And do your best to eat healthy. I heard that high blood pressure meds can lower your libido, not sure if thats true though. I don't know about you but if I wasn't going to die I would have sex, lots of it! Just do whats right for you though. Oh but you could postpone your honeymoon you know?

effevery1slife 0
firefalcon 0

Okay, you people do realize that High Blood Pressure isn't always just from being fat, and that being fat isn't always caused by eating burgers and junk food...? I personally eat healthy and I am still overweight (and actually have low blood pressure). It can be genetics, and if the HBP this guy has is due to a condition that is congenital, "put down the burgers" won't help a bit. :| Yeesh. To the OP, just do oral if you don't want to take the chance. I'm sure your wife would rather have lots of "lip service" so to speak for a few weeks than a dead husband. :]

that is terrible! i hope you can make it.

Kaitlynxfml 0
Easy_Target 0

Now hang on a damn minute, sex is supposed to be GOOD for your blood pressure!

At least you can pleasure your wife, right?