By Anonymous - 02/04/2009 23:12 - United States

Today, I found out that because of my high blood pressure I can't have sex for one month. My wedding is next weekend and the following two weeks are my honey moon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 267 517
You deserved it 28 583

Same thing different taste

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You dont have to follow that advice (because all it is, is advice)..

Sex after marriage is a myth anyways..

Yeah I am thinking that it wont actually kill you to have sex. Regardless you HAVE to have sex on your wedding night/honeymoon. Plus are you SURE that it would actually effect your blood pressure that much? I'd get a second opinion.

haha wow that sucks big time. Eh well time flies!

How does everyone know this is a man? I looked around but didn't see any evidence--could have been a woman... Either way, that really sucks. I guess I'd do what has already been suggested, have some loving tender moments, and devote some energy to pleasing your partner and make it all about them just for a little while. They'll never forget it, or you, for that. Then, when you're better, go on a second honeymoon and get it onnnnn ;)

lol I don't think many women would complain about being able to enjoy the vacation part of their honeymoon.

#23 -- voting for both certainly IS NOT the same as not voting at all. First, "top" and "bottom" lists are calculated by maximum FML and YDI votes. Second, the proportion of FML to YDI votes can be significantly balanced by people voting for both. For example, if you take a hypothetical situation where a submission has 5 FML votes and 2 YDI votes -- that's a ratio of 2.5. If you vote once for each, it becomes 6 FML to 3 YDI -- a ratio of 2.0. And finally, it's not a binary opposition -- certainly you would agree that at times your life can be ******, but you deserve it, no? For example, if you got your 16-year-old Puritan girlfriend got pregnant, your life would definitely be ******. But you'd deserve it. Long live the double vote!