By homeless - 26/03/2014 23:45 - United Kingdom - Winchester

Today, I found out that, after having moved over 500 miles to begin a post-graduate degree, I'm being kicked out of the house I'm renting. We haven't yet signed agreements. Apparently I "keep the kitchen too clean". FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 450
You deserved it 3 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

File a report or do something, not sure how things work in the UK, get new roommates. that's some major bullshit.

Eww you're one of those people who wash their hands after using the restroom too I bet. That ***** nasty brah.


olpally 32

File a report or do something, not sure how things work in the UK, get new roommates. that's some major bullshit.

I agree it is total bullshit, that is definitely not a valid reason to get kicked out. You get weird people.

Unfortunately for OP if he hasn't signed anything for the flat there little to nothing he can do.

You'd think OP would sign an agreement, pay bond, the rent in advance... BEFORE moving all gear into a flat. Lesson to be learned: Don't enter any agreement without a contact!

I'm sure Gordon Ramsay would approve OP keeping the kitchen clean .

Gordon Ramsay would've kicked him out, too :-) Unless he can cook as well...

That has got to be one of the most unusual reasons for getting kicked out before even finishing moving in. Maybe they find it suspicious for some strange reason? Good luck in finding a new flat, dah'ling!!

crazytwinsmom 25

Did you throw out someone's cookies or something they weren't done with?

"Sorry guys, I think the samoas had gone bad" "Get out" "...But they were 4 months old" "OUT" "Geez ! Fine!"

crazytwinsmom 25

@64 I meant that for OP, not you. Sorry I wasn't clear on that.

now you know what kind of people they are lol

babygurll19 10

Sheldon and leonard don't have this kind of problem

whiskeey 14

Maybe that's because it's a TV show?

Durantye 8

I'm pretty sure it was a joke... But good on ya taking it seriously.

We know it was a joke, but it was a stupid one.

The first thing you do is to sign some sort of paper you can fall back on, granted it's a harsh move from them but you deserved it!

Lil_Red777 21

Referring to my comment above; the "getting kicked out" part OP deserves because they didn't sign a contract. The reason for kicking them out is stupid xD personally, my flatmates are tidier than me and I couldn't be happier about it as it's made me tidier; our flat is spotless now consistently. Always involve yourself with people who make you a better person.

Eww you're one of those people who wash their hands after using the restroom too I bet. That ***** nasty brah.

Something must be up in their heads for having their own reason to kick you out of there like that. I hope you find a new place of residence soon, so best of luck to you on that! :)

Thats some bs. If I were you, I would investigate and try to report. GL OP!

How does that even work? "Too clean??" Is that even possible??

Maybe OP hears "You keep the kitchen too clean." when roomie says, "Stop putting bleach in my food."

Axel5238 29

Possible, my gf and I both keep the kitchen clean, but she easily freaks out about a few bowls in the sink. Unless, the OP seemed way too concerned that everything be spotless and started to piss off the other room mates. That's the only thing I can think of.