By NeedToBeMessier - 17/10/2015 21:32 - United States - Hardwick

Today, the couple I've been housesitting for returned. Apparently, I kept the place too clean, and they don't believe that I actually stayed here. They're refusing to pay me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 612
You deserved it 1 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just an excuse not to pay you. Sone people are really dicks.

Take a shit on their dining table and ask if it's enough proof to get paid.


Take a shit on their dining table and ask if it's enough proof to get paid.

cr500guy 11

I was going to say the exact same.

Don't give them their keys back. Threaten to take them to the shadiest part of town and give them with the address to the first person you see.

Obviously, that was the first thing I did. They say it was proof that the place would be much messier had I stayed there for the whole week.

Just an excuse not to pay you. Sone people are really dicks.

This kind of people are always looking for a way out of payment. If you left any mess they would deduct a cleaning fee, if you would break something they would deduct. Just sue them for the principle and collect your money.

This is also why you don't see too many generous people these days. People are dicks

Smash their window and ask if u can get payed now

Sue their ******* asses (if you can afford to)

Depending on how much they were going to pay, you could take them to small claims court. Did you sign any contracts? That could help.

Take that as a compliment but get your money too.

They're just being unreasonable pricks! If you took selfies in the house maybe that's proof enough?

or did you use their wifi? maybe show them on their logs that you used the wifi, therefore you were in the house?

Maybe they'll deduct money for using the WiFi.

Don't worry OP karma is going to get them!! Still though try your best to get paid..