By Anonymous - 28/07/2019 06:00

Today, I learned I'm getting kicked out of the house for NOT dropping out of college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 047
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your family objects to your studies - being kicked out might be a blessing in disguise though making it on your own may be hard. I hope you make it.

TomeDr 24

There’s a LOT more to this story!


If your family objects to your studies - being kicked out might be a blessing in disguise though making it on your own may be hard. I hope you make it.

Why did they want you to drop out? Are you living there rent free and not contributing in any way and using college as the reason? Too little info. There are a few legit cases where I could see the request being reasonable. Just a few.

TomeDr 24

There’s a LOT more to this story!