By Anonymous - 27/06/2009 10:11 - United States

Today, I found out that a co-worker of mine that I had originally hired, trained, and mentored to work in my department for the past 4 years had just got the promotion that I had applied for. He is now my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 944
You deserved it 5 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Matt_192 6

YDI... the job that is. FYL and i hope you get promoted.

chicabonita5683 0

This not a true FYL. Yes, it sucks that the person you trained got the position...but after 4 years. Maybe you lack initiative to go above and beyond, or you don't have a leadership personality, and that's what the boss was looking for. It's not like it was four weeks or four months into the position that there was a promotion...after four years, that person is more of an equal, not below you just because you trained them. I don't know you, so I can't tell exactly what the situation was, but it may very well been your own working habits that cost you the position.

Smart businesses promote the best people not just the ones who have been there longer.

Why would that be bad? Wouldn't he like you...?

You know, you could be happy for the person.

Probably going to be a decent boss, you taught him so he may like you.

I feel ya. Same happened to me...3 times.

Well I think there is no question you will not lose your job unless you do something drastic unless he is an ass...well good luck OP