By lmao4eva93 - 02/07/2010 04:21 - United States

Today, I discovered my former boss from the job I quit 3 months is now my boss at my new job. He was the reason I quit my old job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 031
You deserved it 3 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Goodness...I don't know how I would handle things if my former boss was practically following me around like that. Nascour was such a nasty one. Hopefully things are better this time around, darling! Good luck!

VeryNice329 0

that's sucks something slimey. I'm really sorry op. just don't go and quit this job too. see if he is either different or find a way to complain to HIS boss if he irritates you again?


giantsfan2010 23

lol, yeah, that sucks, get him fired XD JK

or get a new job, or take his, as the boss, what did he do anyways?

ImsoMikhail 0

lol he just won't leave you alone.. killing him is the only answer

FreeRunn3r 12

how the **** did that happen?

Trupe 3

Well damn, he knows all your little tricks and manipulations now. No sleeping or taking breaks cause he's gonna be up your ass like an enema.

FMLcommenterGIRL 0
badschuster 0

lol that funny life a bitch ain't it

knibbsy 4

Does anyone else here see a problem in #'s 2 through 7 replying to the first comment? It's like they're saying "posting a fresh commment unrelated to the first might mean we won't get noticed even though we'd be close to the top, so we need to post in reply to the first so everyone will see our comment! 'Yeah man, let's get noticed!'"

easy, go back to your old job. Happens all the time.

My friend it seems you have either a huge douche, or a stalker.

gaahhh123 0

that's kinda funny you should laugh at that

eihtballplaya_fml 4

I bet your boss is all like. I just got a new job and this ******** that I made quit 3 months ago is working here now. So I get the chance to do it all over again.

Person000 0

haha ^ that would be better fml

VeryNice329 0

that's sucks something slimey. I'm really sorry op. just don't go and quit this job too. see if he is either different or find a way to complain to HIS boss if he irritates you again?


if I wuz him I would fire u for the fun if it

Goodness...I don't know how I would handle things if my former boss was practically following me around like that. Nascour was such a nasty one. Hopefully things are better this time around, darling! Good luck!

Lisimal 7

I say you butt rape him! Believe me, he'll stop being a pain in the ass. Or accidentally trip him down the stairs. Buahahahahahahahahahaha! That'll teach him. P.S. I don't have issues, and no I don't need to see a specialist.

That's just ****** up. Either man up or run again, couldn't happened twice.

keven501 12

OP quits and later gets a third job Sees his new boss Boss: "bill what are the odds of me being your boss again." OP: (looks at him for a second) "I'm done" (walks out)

Goodness... I don't think I'd be able to handle myself if my former boss was following me around like that. Nascour was a nasty one. Hopefully things will be better this time around, Darling. Good luck!~

cockelover 0

I don't see a problem just go up to him and say " don't mess with me or i'll kill u" and then show him a butcher knife. :)