By fatteningmeup - 26/05/2011 14:24 - United States

Today, I found out my mom intentionally puts extra butter and oil in the food she cooks for me because she wants me to be fatter than her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 415
You deserved it 3 787

Same thing different taste


she just doesn't want to be the fattest person in the room...

Eating fat doesn't make you fat. Eating carbs like sugar, flour, bread, pop is what makes you fat.

yeah but butter n oil don't really help. salt in butter only helps retain

#113 True. I gained 15-20 pounds one summer because I drank DIET soda every day for 3 months. So obviously sugar substitutes aren't the best either!

I once read a horribly worded article on that. i believe it's because you become a bit more careless about indulging your food cravings when you're eating things that you believe to be healthy for you. Which is why I'll ALWAYS have a chocolate chip cookie after eating a Subway sandwich. :/

#174 I didn't do that, though. The only thing I changed in my eating habits was having that one diet soda every day for 3 months.

iPhilosophy 0

you're obvi old enough to cook your own damn food, serves you right

paradiseisland01 0

I can't believe that any parent would ever hurt there children like that, especially over something so foolish .

Start putting weight gain meds in her meals :P

u know most of the are fake so shut up

that's horrible! your mom should be proud of you and not make you unhealthy ad overweight to make her feel better about herself. she needs some therapy. maybe encourage her to work out with you? I know a girl who over-feeds her husband the same way. she says she does it in case he ever thinks about leaving her, then he won't because he will be too fat and unattractive to others. what's wrong with people!?