By fatteningmeup - 26/05/2011 14:24 - United States

Today, I found out my mom intentionally puts extra butter and oil in the food she cooks for me because she wants me to be fatter than her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 415
You deserved it 3 787

Same thing different taste


sharkwkrox 0

um...ur mom has some issues!

jezzz111 0

I would learn how to cook. . .just the tip. . .

I guess you won't be eating any more homecooked meals :/

XxdarkangelxX13 0

might want to start making it own food and working out:P WTH ur mom is messed up :P

160 only in america do people look as retarded as in your picture. The problem is, your avatar is most likely a real photo from you while 13s avatar shows an american actor also known as Jim Carrey.

Yeah, I think my mum wants me to be fatter than her too, cause she won't let me excersize, and she won't let me eat healthier or less!

don't worry op, my mom does this too. in fact she asked my own boyfriend if she looked better than me. xD

Fortitudine 3

It sounds like your mother needs some serious therapy