
By Anonymous - 25/01/2022 14:01 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, after weeks of asking, I was finally given my debit card back from my parents. They’ve spent over $1000 and now I’m scared to know how much I have left. There was no mention of a reimbursement either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 369
You deserved it 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you give it to them or did they steal it? If stolen, inform your bank. Even if it's possibly a joint account with your parents, they had no right to your debit card. Why did you let this go on for so long? If not a joint account, how did they know your PIN?

Marcella1016 31

On that last point, you really don’t need a PIN with debit cards anymore except for ATM withdrawals. — Online? Just enter all the card information and those 3 little numbers on the back. — Gas station or cash register? Swipe it and hit credit. Then you just enter your zip code or sign. Nobody checks the ******* signatures. Scribble with your dick and it checks out. Literally. — Restaurant? Hand it to your server, they take it to the back, then come back with a receipt for you to sign. Sign it however you want, no one ever checks that shit. I know some areas around the world like Europe have chip and PIN technology now that makes it more secure, but really, there’s gazillions of ways cards can be taken advantage of without the PIN. I do agree, though - weird that OP didn’t see any bank statements or get any warnings or alerts or anything about the card’s usage. And if it’s a debit card, you’d think OP would notice their cash dwindling down over time. My best guess is OP is a teenager, gets paid through direct deposit, has little to no bills, and parents took card as some type of punishment then abused the shit out of it. I’m really sorry, OP. Move out/get away from your parents as soon as you can, never ever give them access to your shit again, and take the lesson with you for the rest of your life - always monitor your finances!


Did you give it to them or did they steal it? If stolen, inform your bank. Even if it's possibly a joint account with your parents, they had no right to your debit card. Why did you let this go on for so long? If not a joint account, how did they know your PIN?

Marcella1016 31

On that last point, you really don’t need a PIN with debit cards anymore except for ATM withdrawals. — Online? Just enter all the card information and those 3 little numbers on the back. — Gas station or cash register? Swipe it and hit credit. Then you just enter your zip code or sign. Nobody checks the ******* signatures. Scribble with your dick and it checks out. Literally. — Restaurant? Hand it to your server, they take it to the back, then come back with a receipt for you to sign. Sign it however you want, no one ever checks that shit. I know some areas around the world like Europe have chip and PIN technology now that makes it more secure, but really, there’s gazillions of ways cards can be taken advantage of without the PIN. I do agree, though - weird that OP didn’t see any bank statements or get any warnings or alerts or anything about the card’s usage. And if it’s a debit card, you’d think OP would notice their cash dwindling down over time. My best guess is OP is a teenager, gets paid through direct deposit, has little to no bills, and parents took card as some type of punishment then abused the shit out of it. I’m really sorry, OP. Move out/get away from your parents as soon as you can, never ever give them access to your shit again, and take the lesson with you for the rest of your life - always monitor your finances!

They'll give you reimbursement once you reimburse them of what they paid to raise you.

she does not have to pay her parents for being born, she never asked to be born. they have to provide for her till she Is and adult

del 4

They chose to have a child I bet you haven’t reimbursed your parents for raising you. Parents done expect their children to reimburse them. I’d hate to be your child

del 4

They chose to have a child I bet you haven’t reimbursed your parents for raising you. Parents done expect their children to reimburse them. I’d hate to be your child

They chose to have a kid so that’s what they ‘paid to raise him’ is doing the bare minimum. Gives them no right to spend his money

bribenware 1

When people decide to be parents they choose to spend the money needed to raise and care for their children with the ultimate goal of them becoming financially secure enough to support themselves and lead a life of their own. A child does not need to pay them back for that. The only thing that them stealing money from the child accomplishes is to keep them from being independent. The only way I can justify a parent asking for money from a child is if they are already adults, with a job that could support them but are still living at home not paying rent or utilities. But even that should be on an agreement basis where payments are made to the parents with clear outlines as to what they are paying and why. Otherwise it would be similar to a landlord taking as much money from your bank account as they want with no explanation.

This is where you need to call the cops. You did not authorize these payments and your parents need to pay up.

Lesson learned, don't let it happen again. It's your card not there's. If they ask you can remind them of how much you lost last time they had your card.

Koala 4

anytime you don't have possession of your bank card you should freeze it. stolen, misplaced or otherwise. not saying you deserved it but just something to know moving forward.

Report the card stolen, contact the fraud department, report your parents. **** them.