By king400 - 25/11/2012 08:09 - United States - Lancaster

Today, I found out my girlfriend of 3 years has been cheating on me. When I explained the situation to the "other guy", he exclaimed that I was lying because I was jealous and trying to ruin his relationship. He punched me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 036
You deserved it 2 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least they sound like they deserve each other

If he wants your cowardly, lying bitch of a "girlfriend", he can have her. I know it hurts now, but you deserve someone who will at the very least be upfront with you.


Do you have photos of you and her together or anything you could use as proof? That really really sucks. You will find someone who treats you right!

Am I the only one who's doesn't understand why OP would talk to the other man? What can possible be gained from confronting the accessory to your heart break?

Whether he likes it or not, he's involved as she's also been cheating on the other guy with OP. He doesn't HAVE to say anything but he's just trying to be nice and do the right thing - he's gone through heartbreak and been cheated on - he thinks the other guy deserves to know what happened rather than letting him continue the relationship when she's cheated and he doesn't want the other guy to have to go through it all at some later date when they're more involved. It's not that hard to understand. It doesn't always end well but you should be able to understand why OP may empathise and want to help.

Sorry to say, but You Deserve It. Why would you go try to talk to the dude? Just dump the cheater and move on. Confronting the guy, you just earned yourself a facepunch. Sad but true.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Because maybe he wanted to tell the other guy that he was also being played? That's not really such a stupid thing to do.

#41, sounds to me more like he was trying to let the other guy know that the girl was a *****, rather than "confronting" him. OP sounds like a decent bloke, tbh, and it's a shame this happened to him.

PrimalHunk 5

If you want her always be the aggressor...And ignore her for a few days she will want u more.

why would he still want her? it wasn't a one time thing! the other guy said OP was jealous of their relationship!

PrimalHunk 5

It's a strange world. On different levels of love you can't be rational. Like I said be the aggressor IF you want her back. Maybe he was that in love with her to see past 3 years. I dunno but he clearly wanted her still if he talked to the other guy.

Honestly you better have ****** him up cause if you dident then no wonder she was cheating boyfriend doesn't beat up guys, lose his temper and/or show off by being aggressive....does that mean I should dump him then?

I wanted to give you a reason that you should dump him involving lots of insane troll logic, but I can't think of anything right now. Can anyone help me, please?

perdix 29

You are an idiot or a pussy. If you can't beat the shit out of the "other guy," dump her and move on. If you can, shut your piehole and beat his ass.

He could go to jail, but that sounds like it's totally worth it.

PhishloverA 14

Nothing's worth going to jail for #52

janeska1231 1

Wow. Been there done that, except for the punch in the face. Just walk away