By Nick - 05/04/2019 16:00

Today, my girlfriend of almost 5 years (who broke up with me only a week or so ago) told me that she's been speaking to one of my best friends and sees a future with him instead of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 289
You deserved it 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I understand that it hurts when someone you care about ends up not sharing that same love. People fall out of love, it happens every day. If you care about her, and want her to be happy let her date your friend...if your friend is also into her. If you think it will be too awkward of a situation, then limit your contact with your friend, and make a new one. Life is tough, but this isn't really all that bad.


did you update your friend on the fact that if she changes guys like she changes socks that he won't last

Dude, read between the lines. He has a bigger doodle than you.

I understand that it hurts when someone you care about ends up not sharing that same love. People fall out of love, it happens every day. If you care about her, and want her to be happy let her date your friend...if your friend is also into her. If you think it will be too awkward of a situation, then limit your contact with your friend, and make a new one. Life is tough, but this isn't really all that bad.

zelda1324 13

something similar happened to me, too. my bf of five years encouraged me to go up north so that i could further my educational career. to just break up with me not even a month later and then proceed to tell me that he has feelings for another girl and that his heart belongs with her. and let me tell you something. i was only going to be away for 4 MONTHS, 4 HOURS away. and this girl he wants to pursue lives in a WHOLE OTHER STATE. i was devastated. but little by little i’ve been getting my life back together, and you will too. just know that you deserve better and once you start focusing on yourself, blessings will come your way.

zelda1324 13

i meant “similar” as in being together for 5 years and for my ex leaving me for someone else, that’s it. you read way to much into it

That's rough. But honestly bro, at the end of the day she was probably looking for commitment. If after 5 years you haven't married her, then she's probably moved on and realized there may not be a future with you. Whereas your friend, she may see as a more likely candidate to 'settle down' and have a future with.

okay_kayden 1

I get what you're saying but why are people so ready to rush into the whole marriage thing..? I get it but don't at the same time, but I can't say I'd be willing to just say, toss aside someone I knew I wouldn't have anywhere near the same connection with for someone who was just more eager to marry me.. And marriage isn't even a 'guarantee' you'll be together forever.. What demonstrates more security? I suppose there needs to be quite a bit of trust involved in the relationship - believing the person you're with is worth it.

I want you to reread what you wrote

That is her gentle way of telling you she's been cheating on you with him for a long time now.

Nix188 13

time to buy some rope, a lead pipe, a shovel, some tarps, clothes and bleach.

but 5 years is just a number and im pretty sure its ex friend