By B'Dawk - 14/10/2018 13:30

Today, I found out my girlfriend has been putting boogers in my belly button when I don't pay attention to her while we watch tv. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 692
You deserved it 1 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seems fair. Pay attention to her, or you'll have to put them in there yourself in the future.

Don't puke in my belly button, or we're through.


Seems fair. Pay attention to her, or you'll have to put them in there yourself in the future.

Emma Marshall 19

Don't puke in my belly button, or we're through.

C’mon! You’re a veteran here. You should know better that to read these stories while eating.

TxKitten79 10

Well, do you pay attention to her now?

I suspect the you deserved it & that sucks numbers are a male/female split. However. As female I know better than to attempt conversation with a male who is concentrating on ANYTHING other than me. I've found in life that multi-taskers (male & female) tend to judge and blame mono taskers for not being able to, say, watch tv and talk at the same time... Woman: stop being gross because you want attention while he's watching something. Man: pay more attention to your woman when you aren't concentrating and keep an eye on your gross little snot fiend in general. She has a nasty sense of humour that should not be left to it's own divices...

Ha! At least you have someone to ignore! Some of us only dream of having someone special that they can take for granted and pretend they don’t exist.

How oblivious must you be to not notice that.

What is she? A cat that pisses in your bed when you don't immediately come looking when she meows? It's time to have a serious talk about respect and neediness.

She obviously doesn't understand the point of watching TV. She's not supposed to be the center of attention at that time.