By Noname - 06/03/2009 19:13 - United States

Today, I found out my four best friends are going to Florida for spring break without me. When asked why I was not invited to go with them the answer I received was, "we don't think you would look very good in a bathing suit, and we want to be able to pick up cute guys on the beach." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 649
You deserved it 6 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats rough, but theyre obviously not true friends. go find nicer ones!


12stargirl 0

you have mean friends! yell in their face and run away.

theycallmeroshi 0

dayyumm u got some meany friends!!dump those bitchess:p

l3allin_all_day 0

when there at the beach just go to macdonalds

And you call them your friends? Stuff them.You can do way better :)

Exposi 1

Maybe you should spend less time complaining on the internet to a bunch of people who don't give a flying **** about your bullshit problems and more time working out and losing your 400+ pounds of baby weight, you dumb fat ****. Seriously, you think that sitting in front of your computer is going to fix things? Stop eating so much, you ho... bitch.

I am not sure they can be called best friends. That sucks.

Ouch! if they were true friends they would tell you that you are gorgeous and wouldn't give a shit about about what guys thought. because if the guys were really worth it your body wouldn't be the only reason they would be into you. so the are shallow bitches that are only going to attract shallow ass holes. so really they did you a favor

jcdiva7 0

I hope they never found any guys. Those hoes