By Noname - 06/03/2009 19:04 - United States

Today, my daughter asked me when was the first time I had sex. After I told her 22 she quickly shouted, "Beat ya!" She's thirteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 488 241
You deserved it 106 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Skel117 13

The **** dude? She's been mislead doesn't mean that she's a ****, she's 13!


Skel117 13

In the future: Top 10 Anime Transformations

Jesus, what a great parenting job you've done

KrazyKatz3 26

You didn't talk to her about sex?

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

You might want to keep a c Over eye on what your kids are doing.

your daughter needs to worry about school. not boys and sex didnt you have a talk with you daughter about the birds an the bees she is way to young to even thinking or even having sex put her in some kind of sports or other activies that way she be to busy to have sex

mmmmmmmmwtf 2

daughter's like 25 now. little late for this comment lol