By Anonymous - 30/04/2009 14:51 - United States

Today, I found out my best friend had 3 birthday parties for herself over the weekend. I wasn't invited to any of them. When I asked her why, she said I "didn't fit in" to any of the groups that were at the parties. All my other friends were invited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 132
You deserved it 4 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lyssa61189 0

I think it's time for a new best friend

llllight 0

she threw herself 3 separate birthday parties? She sounds like a spoiled bitch. You are better off without her.


lyssa61189 0

I think it's time for a new best friend

such a great friend.... I've been stuck in that position once. They're not worth it.

ouch... find new people that actually act like friends are supposed to.

obviously she isnt your best friend and isnt worth it. find new friends.

Yeah, definitely not your best friend at all.

Julle_fml 0

Like #3 said. She doesn't sound nice

#4. agreed. call 760-1846 for all the possible reasons your friend doesnt like you hahaha

llllight 0

she threw herself 3 separate birthday parties? She sounds like a spoiled bitch. You are better off without her.

cryssycakesx3 22

did anyone think that maybe there was one for family, one big one for friends and a small intimate one. not that it makes it better

wajohns09 0

Newsflash!! Thats not your friend

jio_freed 0

it's obvious from the fact that she threw herself 3 parties over the weekend that your "friends" all belong to the **** crowd; it's a good thing you don't fit in with them