Give me a break!!

By Anonymous - 29/03/2020 20:00

Today, in an effort to avoid having the same break as my annoying coworker, I went a little earlier than I usually do. Guess who got moved to a position with an early break? She sat next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 513
You deserved it 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just go back to original time... problem solved

No...don't give them such an easy answer!!! That'll ruin the fun of FML!


Is it your annoying coworker? "Do you like break? I like break? Break is fun. Break is good. What do you like to do on break? I like to talk about break on break. It's like a meta-break." Is she annoying like that?

just go back to original time... problem solved

No...don't give them such an easy answer!!! That'll ruin the fun of FML!