By Anonymous - 05/02/2013 22:59 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I found out my boyfriend sleeps on a Princess Leia pillow. He's 22. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 746
You deserved it 9 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rein 8

... I'm 24 and also have a Star Wars pillow with R2D2 and C3P0 on it... This is a bad thing?


Princess Leia? Le sigh. Of all the characters, he chose Princess Leia? FYL. I'm all for nerdy things (hell, I AM a nerd) but this universal obsession with Princess Leia just baffles me.

AnyaS 19

So? I'm 25 and sleep on Powerpuff Girls pillows and my stuffed bear.

I sleep with a giant Kyubey, and I am 24. Is it wrong to sleep with cool cuddly things now?

Luke, It can't be that R2 understand why he loves it OP ;) Yoda'nt know how much he likes it!

^ Sorry in advance for those cheesy puns, I just love Star Wars :L

Yeah, OP, don't make him go Hand Solo tonight. This is just the droid you've been Wooking for!

tralala453 22

I don't see the problem, I'd find that cute :p

he's achieved what many a star wars fans have not, he slept with princess leia, multiple times while having a girl on the side

I'm 24 and sleep with a Stewie Griffin plush toy every night. It doesn't matter how old you are, whatever men are a fan of, something depicting it will be in their bed somewhere.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

...So? *raised eyebrow* I fail to see the FML in this...

Roll play? Is that some kinky bread thing?

Lol maybe he's just too lazy to buy a new one. I'm 17 and still sleep on a whinny the poo pillow; not because I watch the show or fantasize about him but because I just don't want to waste money on a new pillow.

MuggleBornSquib 4