By ikickgingers - 19/10/2011 16:49 - United States

Today, I found out my boss and some employees on my floor have bets placed on who can get the best picture of my ass. I found out when one of the pictures was accidentally sent to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 609
You deserved it 4 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take a picture of your own ass submit and win the bet

imsoboss91 5

Well atleast you probaby have a good one?


ellabella1987 0

Okay well theres anplus side you can sue for sexual harrassment and get a fat settlement ;)

strife1313 4

Win the bet and sue for harassment defiantly a win win triple win if you count in the nice ass

370768 0

Put it as your profile pic on here!

Kicky, charge them with a sexual harassment suit, its the only way to go now. To all the people saying take it as a complement: Like DocBastard said, it is UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR. The workpkace is for work, not for a man or a woman (yes, kicky is a woman) to be treated like **** toys and fap material. Its UNACCEPTABLE...

gambatte 0

Some women need to learn how to take compliments... Or go back to being house wives... Welcome to the male work place honey.