By ikickgingers - 19/10/2011 16:49 - United States

Today, I found out my boss and some employees on my floor have bets placed on who can get the best picture of my ass. I found out when one of the pictures was accidentally sent to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 609
You deserved it 4 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take a picture of your own ass submit and win the bet

imsoboss91 5

Well atleast you probaby have a good one?


SmittyJA24 26

Fiancé ? **** that... Dump his ass.

SmittyJA24 26

Lawsuit! Omg your ass has provided you a way to retire early. Workplace sexual harassment can pay off. And your boss is involved?!? You are set!

You have an e-mail with proof of what your co-workers are doing. Forward it to HR and file a sexual harassment complaint. This is not okay, and you do not have to sit by and let it happen.

myoukei 31

isn't that sextual harassment?

EmoVampire13 3

hey, you should be thankful that you have a butt thats so attractibe that guys do that :P

Umm... Sexual harassment!!! Report it. That's so abusive and demeaning. Don't let them get away with it!


And you must be a ginger... I'd be watching your butt

PandaPandy 6

I have a ginger boyfriend, it is mean D: don't hurt him :/! Lol

granted it's not right, but I think everyone pestering to sue suffers from the disease noassitol

hibrid 0

Post the pics... It must be nice or really nasty.