By Dioxin01 - 15/09/2010 20:55 - Canada

Today, I found out I'm being sued by the man whose life I practically saved a month ago. He says the way I pulled him out of the car he was trapped in has left him with permanent back problems. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 474
You deserved it 3 467

Dioxin01 tells us more.

Hey everyone, This happened while I was driving in the United States. Also if I hadn't helped him, there would be no chance of him being alive today.

Top comments

Wow, whatta bastard. Tell him to go **** himself.

that1guy1 13

counter sue. Good Samaritan law.


this us why you cover your ass and ask if u can help first as long as u gave onsent then good sameritan laws should help a little. especially unconsiouse people u can use implied consent . sue him back for being a douche bag

wat a ****** asshole. anything for ****** money these days. our world is shit cuz of people like that.

Two thoughts - doesn't Canada have some variation of the Good Samaritan law? And secondly, what's he worried about? Isn't his health care socialized?

Oh, what a nice man... If he was in the same situation and you happened to walk by, just leave him there!

I was about to say the same thing - Good Samaritan Law. You're not liable for anything.

the dude who's sueing you is a jack ass

good samaritan laws protect you. if you believed his life was in danger enough that he needed to be moved, your safe.

Inuyasha1770 0

I believe this was on the news or one just like it. I love a world where you can't even help people. either save them and get sued or watch them probably die and have to deal with the guilt.

what a jackass! ..just be the bigger better person and itll work out eventually