By Dioxin01 - 15/09/2010 20:55 - Canada

Today, I found out I'm being sued by the man whose life I practically saved a month ago. He says the way I pulled him out of the car he was trapped in has left him with permanent back problems. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 474
You deserved it 3 467

Dioxin01 tells us more.

Hey everyone, This happened while I was driving in the United States. Also if I hadn't helped him, there would be no chance of him being alive today.

Top comments

Wow, whatta bastard. Tell him to go **** himself.

that1guy1 13

counter sue. Good Samaritan law.


Yeaa... you kinda messed up. The only time you EVER touch anyone is if they 1.) give you permission and 2.) are in immediate danger (car blowing up, fire, etc). In CPR they teach you that legally if a person is choking they can deny your help, and if you don't ask them for help then they could sue you, which is why you wait until they pass out (automatic consent) after they say no. lol. But you really should have waited until EMS/Fire dept. arrived because they have the proper tools of getting a person out of a car. You could have paralyzed him!

When you come across an accident scene: Step 1: Always always always Call 911 first! Step 2: Dispatcher will instruct what to do Step 3: You have a really strong case if victim decides to sue :)

it's ok. I hit a saxophone in the head giving him a concution with my rifle... go colorguard! lol

Blackwood 0

Hey check out the good samaritan law

The fact that he is able to do that shows how ****** up the system is

Hey everyone, This happened while I was driving in the United States. Also if I hadn't helped him, there would be no chance of him being alive today.

LeslieFashipn201 0

this is just like the opening scenes of 'The Incredibles!!!' :D but sorry, he's a jerk & he sucks.

toasterlovin 0

this is why some people opt not to save people. because people just suck