By Dioxin01 - 15/09/2010 20:55 - Canada

Today, I found out I'm being sued by the man whose life I practically saved a month ago. He says the way I pulled him out of the car he was trapped in has left him with permanent back problems. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 474
You deserved it 3 467

Dioxin01 tells us more.

Hey everyone, This happened while I was driving in the United States. Also if I hadn't helped him, there would be no chance of him being alive today.

Top comments

Wow, whatta bastard. Tell him to go **** himself.

that1guy1 13

counter sue. Good Samaritan law.


they always say if you're not breaking ribs you're not doing it right...I would know and ask any doctor ribs always break

Kelishas 9

What an ingreatful prick, I hope Karma comes around and whacks him good. FYL for now, but I hope the judge turns around and gives him heck and lets you off..

good Samaritan laws protect you from that shit.

Sadly, this is why you should leave someone when you see an accident unless there is immediate risk, you are possibly hurting them AND putting yourself in legal responsibility if they are hurt when moving, or even if they can suggest they were hurt during moving, after all, there IS a reason paramedics strap you to a board at any risk of spinal or back injury, and that is damage caused by moving someone

In school we learned if we see someone in an accident that unless their in some kind of life or death situation like could drowned or are on fire to not touch them and to ask if they need any help. If they say yes then you can help them. That way they can't sue you and blame what ever damage they got in the accident on you, cause nowadays people will lie and sue you for just about anything.

arww ): poor you, but you're a good person for saving them.. even if they're an ungrateful little sod x

Don't worry. He's an idiot which the insurance company will soon figure out. Cases like this get dropped all the time.

You're in Canada, we have the Good Samaritan Law, you're covered, anyone who posted about this FML is stupid. Unless you're a paramedic and pulled him out like you were having a seizure at the same time, if you were just walking by and helping him, you're fine. Judge will laugh at him in court, then you can find him after, tell him to suck your balls and that you're happy he was in an accident and now has backpain. Freedom of speech baby.