By moshgra - 29/11/2010 00:41

Today, I went in to work to check my new schedule for the week. I searched up and down and didn't see my name listed. After talking to my manager, he decided it would be easier to "release" me than remake a new schedule. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 011
You deserved it 2 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

At least he didn't slaughter your family and video tape you masturbating to Shane Dawsons "What's your FML" video.

Hey at least you can sleep in tomorrow!


kill him. kill him and use his skin to live a the life of a manager

YDI For not being good enough at your job that they want to keep you.

Agreed with 1 making a schedule maybe complicated at your workplace due to number of employees and/or lack of hours available. FYL but it may be difficult to make another schedule. yes.

I'll give you a free pass on the reading comprehension fail seeing as how you made the post late at night and I almost made the same mistake of posting a comment without knowing the boss's (possible bad grammar; I know and don't give a #%$#) gender.

No foo he's a boss. Duhhh dude. Yeah I said it. Duhhh. I'm bringing Duhhh back. So yes. To whatever you are thinking.

jaeyuuji 1

If you were a girl, you might not be in this situation

yes you would be at home in the kitchen where you does belong. like I am. can't cook just like to hang out in the kitchen.

FFML_314 11

At least he didn't slaughter your family and video tape you masturbating to Shane Dawsons "What's your FML" video.

I don't believe this. -_- not legal. unless you are a seasonal employee. I mean how hard is it to ADD someone to your staffing?? it's much harder to find a replacement or take someone out.

bamagrl410 31

Actually, it is legal. I've worked in retail for 3 years now and my company did that all the time to people they recently hired when they weren't needed anymore. Obviously OP wasn't necessary enough to be kept around. And considering the way the FML is written, it's safe to assume the OP was either seasonal or part-time.

It is 100% legal. A lot of companies take people off the schedule before they actually tell them they're fired. OP is clearly one of those obnoxious people that asks for days off after the schedule is made. That is grounds for the release right there.

starberries 0

It's definitely legal. It's an easy way to get someone to quit their job, too, so you don't have to fire them.

Gloritank 8

It's only legal if your on probation or don't have a union.

@39 How is the OP "clearly" one of those obnoxious people who asks for days off after the schedule is posted? Do you know them? Have you seen them do this?

If you read my comment below, OP answered me and I retracted that statement.

Actually #5 it depends on where you live. OP probably lives in a right-to-work state, meaning employers can terminate an employee at any time with or without reason. OP, that sucks. FYL indeed.

stfuscrub420 0

It means you're useless and does afraid of everything.

Dude, seriously, ask a native English speaker to proofread your comments before you post them. Otherwise, you will be met with a lot of confused replies and ridicule.

You've never heard about the phrase "doesn't afraid of anything?"

Hey at least you can sleep in tomorrow!

OP: So does this mean that taking an office stapler to the back of his head is easier than going through the complex procedure of filing a lawsuit?

lol that would be more effective and most likely much more enjoyable!!

Did you know shoehorns aren't allowed in certain buildings because they are weapons? Something tells me someone in a shoestore tried your method.

That's harsh OP, I'm sorry :/ I'm sure you could fight that, cause it really doesn't seem legal.