By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 22:06 - United States

Today, I found my phone under the car seat after three days. I flipped it open ready to issue apologies to everyone who had tried to get in touch with me and I had worried. No missed calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 936
You deserved it 10 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blondebabycakes 0

unfortunate. maybe you should be a better friend...or at least get some good weed...then youll have lots of friends XFD


Not really a FML but atleast you found your phone

So what... no one called you in 3 days this isn't an FML think of all the kids with cancer

awww that's always so sad when that happens.

FML_x2 0

You've got some great friends.

blondebabycakes 0

I hate that, it's so sad when u open ur phone and no response whatsoever :P

noName123456 0

unfortunate. maybe you should be a better friend...or at least get some good weed...then youll have lots of friends XFD

rakhil11 7

i never get calls on my cell. so HA! (i wouldn't even care that i lost my cell phone i never use it anyhoo so...)

redsox4021 0

#8 we figured that from your **** anime profile pic you ****

kellster 2

Aw, that sucks. But at least you got your phone back!

Don't your friends use the internet? Unless you're used to getting tens of calls daily I don't see how this can be a FML.