By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 22:06 - United States

Today, I found my phone under the car seat after three days. I flipped it open ready to issue apologies to everyone who had tried to get in touch with me and I had worried. No missed calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 935
You deserved it 10 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blondebabycakes 0

unfortunate. maybe you should be a better friend...or at least get some good weed...then youll have lots of friends XFD


caty14 1

Wow, Three days? Thats not long. You must be someone who craves attention. So sorry not a FML. Who ever it is probably is adapted to getting phone calls & texts a lot of the time. And just craves that attention on a daily bases.

Haha! dude that always happens to me!

#64 He quite clearly means that people base the value of their life on a bunch of useless, meaningless bullshit. Not sure how you got technology was evil out of that. This one's a tossup. If AIM, MSN, email, facebook, myspace, LJ, Xanga, etc didn't exist, and you sat alone and miserable without a job or school, I could say FML. With all those in mind, YDI for thinking people HAVE to speak to you via phone when all these other means exist.

Postings like this is exactly why I love FYL. I lol'd so hard.

average_girl 0

Ummm suck it up and stop being a baby. How is ur life ****** b/c u didn't get any calls??? Maybe nobody had anything 2 tell u

theoldGP 0

this is such an FML. no one calls people anymore anyways =P texting ftw. please stop bitching...

Osakhomen 0

That does suck. It's not the worst thing though... I know how you feel at times.