By riptoofie - 16/01/2010 21:36 - United States

Today, I found my beloved hamster, Toofie. Toofie escaped from his cage. 4 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 000
You deserved it 4 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was he like, a hardcore, badass-looking wild hamster that doesn't afraid of anything?

To be blunt, how did you not smell Toofie rotting?


Grey123 0

is he dead behind your couch?

caligal14 0

I would hope not... if I lost my pet I would have looked under/behind the couch first. Actually, I probably would have assumed he was dead and made an effort to look for the body...? I don't even understand why they a) never looked for the body of Toofie or b) smelled it?

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Have you ever had a Hamster?? When I was a kid I had one that escaped from his cage in the upstairs of our house, and we found him a year later living in the back of a closet. He had built up a storage with all the food we'd left out to catch him and dug up the carpet to make a little bed. Hamsters are crafty little creatures when they don't want to be caught. Toofie probably found some obscure place that the OP never goes to and lived there awhile until finally passing..and maybe it took him 3 1/2 years to die and then OP smelled him to find him?

it's true!!! my hamster I trained disappeared and then days later we found her because she somehow climbed up in my geandma's bed and when my grandma screamed we found her!!!! :D my hamster lived the rest of her 9 happy years with me. I miss her...

wowthatshorrible_fml 0
Leadamp 7

9 years. That is impossible. Both my hamsters died at 2 and a half.

My pet hamster escaped once and we couldn't find him. Years later, I woke up only to find my family tied to chairs and their mouths gagged. When I turned around, I was greeted with a 10 mm gun to the back of my head. Apparently my hamster had been hiding away, waiting for the perfect time to exact his revenge. He forced me into a ball and made me run around. He then proceeded to force me to run a giant human sized hamster wheel. Finally content, he went back in his cage and acted as though nothing happened.

152, I don't believe you. A hamster couldn't even hold a 10mm! You shouldn't leave such gaping holes in your fake stories.

Was he like, a hardcore, badass-looking wild hamster that doesn't afraid of anything?

Yup, OP, you should be happy he actually WANTED to come back to you after 4 years of living the high life.

Sigh2muchFML 0

wow....I seriously feel bad that you had to see him like that, but its kinda ydi because you need to clean your house more often.

To be blunt, how did you not smell Toofie rotting?

MoonyIce 0

Shouldn't you have SMELLED that four years ago?

Dead or alive? If alive, I don't see how this is an FML at all.

dude it's been lost for years man, that poor thing is dead :(

Probably better than finding Toofie when he was still freshly dead, but FML anyway. D: