By PetitPrincePerdu - 08/05/2009 00:42 - United States

Today, I found my mother wandering the halls of my fraternity unescorted and asked why she was here, she told me she was concerned when I didn't pick up my phone for two days. She then informed me that she had also moved to the same city I live in. My mother moved over 600 miles to stalk me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 892
You deserved it 5 065

Same thing different taste

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Today, I tried calling my son yet again, and got no response. I've been calling him for days. I'm worried out of my mind and I'm going to move 600 miles to be with him. FML

You couldn't call her back after your hangover ended?


Occam 0

To everyone saying "you should be happy your mom cares", it's like saying "[a person] washes his/her hands every five minutes and wears a bubble suit, that means he/she cares about hygiene". There's an excess to checking up on your kids as well as a deficiency, although the deficiency is a lot more common.

Ae_hunt 0

Sunday is Mother's Day...I'm telling you this now so that you don't wake up on Monday morning with your Mom in your bed next to you wondering why you forgot Mother's Day. You're welcome.

CareBear0018 0

Maybe you should have called her back.

Haha! That sux! But she is seriously nuts(n/o). But even if u don't return her calls, that's no reason 4 her to move that far. I no just how u feel-I'm 18, live in pa, have an audition at AADA in ny and plan to go alone, and my mom wants to go with mi-she wants to go with mi to a place that is 2 hrs away. I sympathyze with u OP.

awww... thats so sadfaced for you :( but at least your mom loves you :)

CBeans37 0

damn dude how big is ur frat house? haha

rihannalover 0

fake. moms don't do that dude..... hahaha.

I know a good five people whose mothers are like that. It's not like you need to contact them every single day. Once you're out of the house, you have a life of your own. Your mother needs to allow you to have your own life and stop smothering you to death! Granted, it's very nice that she cares so much, but there's a limit. Moving closer to you so she can stalk you is her weird way of overreacting. FYL for having a creepy stalker Mom.

soulonfire928 0

Sounds like she needs to cut the damn umbilical cord already. Who cares if she's paying for school? That doesn't warrant borderline psycho behavior. **** your life for your mom being mental.