
By Anonymous - 01/07/2023 09:00 - United Kingdom

Today, even though I was very clear before I went on holiday that I was going completely zero contact to de-stress, my mother rang at least twice a day. When I stopped answering the phone, she found the direct number of the local police station in a foreign country and sent them to find me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 950
You deserved it 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some Mom’s just don’t know how to live their own lives and make it their self-appointed duty to attempt to run their children’s lives. OP, if this is typical, you definitely have my sympathy. Chances are that if you call Mom once a day at a specific time she will get off the crazy train a little. That’s what I learned to do long ago with my wife whenever I traveled on business. If you set the time and stick to it, it calms the worry wart back home.


Selfish prick. You're "de-stressing" by stressing your poor mom. No wonder going childless in gaining in popularity.

Some Mom’s just don’t know how to live their own lives and make it their self-appointed duty to attempt to run their children’s lives. OP, if this is typical, you definitely have my sympathy. Chances are that if you call Mom once a day at a specific time she will get off the crazy train a little. That’s what I learned to do long ago with my wife whenever I traveled on business. If you set the time and stick to it, it calms the worry wart back home.