By ohokay - 24/01/2013 02:59 - United States - Bronx

Today, I found my boyfriend's Facebook page. I also found his wife's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 757
You deserved it 5 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should friend Request her! That will burst his cheating bubble.

Good day it is then! Start the celebrations! You now know him for the ass he is.


baseballgirl25 6

Tell the wife!!!! Then leave him.

Variety is the spice of life. In all seriousness, there must have been signs to the fact that he was married. Either he's a really good con artist, or you're quite naive.

onorexveritas 23

Sorry to here that, sounds like a fun conversation for when you talk to him next.

RedPillSucks 31

Preferably while covered in honey and tied to a fire-ant hill.

KiddNYC1O 20

He should've created separate accounts!

You "found" it? Was it hiding under his real name? Dump him just for giving you a fake name. Having a spouse is just an extra reason.

RedPillSucks 31

Isn't it ironic It's meeting the man of your dreams And then meeting his beautiful wife I hope you're not looking for a knife, but you can still kill him with 10 thousand spoons.

i would find the truth out face to face. and if he is cheating on his wife with you dump him. me, i would let the wife know. once a cheater always a cheater. or maybe they have an open relationship and he didn't want to scare you away by telling you he is married